Red and white upholstered ceiling

Ages and Stages of a Child’s Room

It’s good for a child to have the ability to express themselves through their bedroom décor. But a kid’s bedroom can be a whirlwind of change that never seems to end. While Batman may be the favorite this week, next week it could be all about Spiderman.

Children are on an endless journey of discovery, exploring the world and themselves – and change is just a part of the process. So instead of running yourself ragged trying to keep up with your babe’s ever changing whims, try décor that is easy to change and can easily grow with them.

kids room valley drapery

The Room that Grows with Your Child

A room that can grow with your child is not such a far-fetched idea. With a little creativity and careful planning, you can give your child a room they will love – even if that changes every week.However, usage of custom pillows can also refresh the look of your child’s room.

Here are some tips for creating a room with room to grow:

  • Avoid the theme trap. Themes are cute until you are changing them several times in a month. If your child loves something in particular, go with a neutral room and accent with those favorite items. For instance, if your little girl loves princesses, you can use accents like throw pillows, pictures, blankets, and rugs that are all in that theme. The inclusion of exterior shutters will help in letting the fresh air and add status to your room as well.
  • Stick with a neutral base. Neutral walls and floors don’t have to be boring. In fact, they provide the perfect canvas for your themed accents. If your child loves bold colors or wants special themed walls, compromise with pictures and wall hangings that are part of the theme and leave the walls neutral.
  • Choose pieces that are timeless. A classic dresser or chest of drawers can stay with your child as they grow. Look for pieces that are timeless and functional, well made and can withstand years of use. So go ahead and splurge on these foundation pieces! Again, neutral colors are your best bet, but a chest of drawers is easier to paint than the walls of a room, so you may let them go on that one.
  • Get convertible furniture. Get furniture that is multifunctional and convertible. For instance, getting a crip that converts to a toddler bed is usually a better option than getting a crib them getting a toddler bed. Murphy beds are also great for older children. They can have a desk on one side and open it out to a bed. That’s great if the space is small, or they just want more room.
  • Allow your child to make design decisions. You might feel that it is easier to just go ahead and make all the design decisions, but it’s your child’s room so they should have some freedom to offer input. Let them choose some of the design elements and help you design their room. They will love it that much more if they are able to have a hand in the creation.

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Elements of a Kid’s Room by Stages

So, what decorating elements are appropriate for each stage of a child’s life? We broke it down for you.

  • Infant – These are the nesters, the snugglers, the comfort seekers. They aren’t much on themes, instead preferring soft blankets and cozy cribs. Some things to remember:
    • Look for a crib that will convert to a toddler bed later
    • Be careful with hanging things that are within baby’s reach – including cords for window blinds
    • Get blackout curtains or blinds
    • Arrange baby supplies where they are within reach or easy to access
  • Toddlers – As babies turn into toddlers, they become more mobile and curious. Lots of activity toys that allow them to explore will keep them entertained and stimulate their creativity and intellect. Try these things for a toddler’s room:
    • Get a toddler bed that is close enough to the ground that climbing isn’t necessary
    • Avoid stools and other items that a curious child could use to climb on
    • A cute nightlight will help with any nighttime troubles and light the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night
    • Make sure that furniture is sturdy and won’t topple and that chests have lids that won’t fall or pin your child
  • Preschoolers – This is the age that a child starts exploring independence. They like to do things themselves, so this is a great time to teach cleaning, organizing, and making up the bed. These tips will help your give your preschooler the best room ever!
    • Big bins for toys to make clean up easy and fun
    • Pre-readers will benefit from icons on the different dresser drawers, letting them know what goes where
    • Add a creativity space with crayons, paper, and whatever other art supplies you want and set up a corner of the room for them to let their creativity shine
    • Look at making the move to a big kid bed. At this point the toddler bed is probably getting small so a larger bed is definitely a necessity
  • Grade Schoolers – At this stage of the game your child is probably getting more social. They may even have friends over to play. It’s probably time to get rid of the “baby stuff,” replacing it with big kid stuff. Try these big kid room ideas.
    • They are probably not ready for a bunkbed, but a twin or double will do just fine. They aren’t quite old enough to make that top bunk, so you’ll be left to wrestle with it.
    • Let them create their own accent pieces. Give them some canvas or plain throw pillows and fabric paint, sequins, and maybe some pom poms.
    • Invest in some wall hooks. Book bag, jacket, lots of stuff can be hung on the hooks (put them within your child’s reach) which means less clutter on the floor.
    • Get them fun bedding if they want it. They’re kids. They don’t need the fru fru stuff, they want Superman and Ariel.
    • Make it easy for them to practice self-care, meaning mirrors at the right height, stools in the bathroom so they can reach the sink, and a closet where they can easily see their clothes to pick out.

kids room valley drapery

  • Pre-Teen – This is the age where they begin to make the break from dependency on mom and dad and try out a little independence. Here are some survival tips for this stage:
    • Give them space. Allow them to retreat to their room now and then.
    • Band together for a makeover. Try new designs, new accents, have fun.
    • Keep computers and digital devices out of the bedrooms.
    • Get art that stimulates their imagination.
    • Create a study nook – with a hidden drawer for diaries and special notes.
  • Teenager – This is it, the teen years. You will likely see less of your child now, and they will have some definite ideas of their own. You’re in the home stretch! Here’s what you can do:
    • Let it go, let it go, let it go. So, the room looks like a war zone, let it be – for the most part.
    • Get containers or cubes for organization.
    • Consider updating the furniture or bringing in a couple of fun pieces.
    • Give them privacy but don’t ignore them. Continue to draw them back into the family activities.
    • Add white boards and cork boards for more freedom of expression

As your child grows, allowing the décor to grow too will make sure your child always see their room as their own personal space. And that’s important.

At Valley Drapery & Upholstery we have gorgeous pieces that are perfect for your child’s room and will grow with them. We also have unique handcrafted items from local artists to give your child’s room a unique touch. Call today and talk to one of our talented designers to get started.