Updating Your Home Office?

Remote work is rapidly increasing in popularity and even major corporations are hiring workers that are 100% remote. While means no commute time and a more comfortable work environment, it also means that you need to have a space in your home to perform your work.

Go ahead, treat yourself.

If you are going to be spending a good part of your day in your home office, it might as well be a place that you love. Here are some great ideas for a cool home office that promotes productivity and stimulates your creativity.

Get some cool art.

Los Angeles is a well-known cultural hub with a diverse population of artists from sculpture to watercolor to experimental media. Shop around for one-of-a-kind pieces that speak to your soul. Those are the art objects that will ignite your creative spark. Choose a piece you like and build your home office around it or select a few pieces that fit your existing décor. Either way, get something that means something to you.


Upholster one of your walls.

Upholstered walls add a touch of glam and sophistication to any room, but in a home office, it really pops.

Choose colors that make you feel calm but alert. Earth tones, blues, and yellows are nice. Hence, choose subtle colors for upholstered headboards .They are calming but energizing and help elevate the mood. An upholstered wall is great as a focal point of a room, but it doesn’t have to be. Just do what works for you.

upholstered - headboards

Add a Murphy bed.

A Murphy bed is functional on so many levels. Find one that is a desk and bookcase when it is closed and you have some great extra space. When you need to get a quick nap, take a break, or have a place to crash when you are working late and you don’t want to wake up the rest of the family, a Murphy bed fits the bill perfectly. 

Comfy seating makes a comfortable workspace.

It’s a given that you’ll have a good desk chair, but if you have the space you should think about adding a sofa or comfy chair to your workspace. You might not feel like sitting at a desk all day and comfortable seating gives you other options as well as a place to take a break. You can have a lot of fun finding used pieces and getting them reupholstered to fit your space. Furniture upholstery los angeles is a cool idea to make your workspace comfortable as well as attractive.


Add some greenery.

Plants provide all sorts of benefits. They help you focus, increase productivity, and just make you happier. When looking for plants, find some that are interesting to you and visually pleasing to you. If keeping a plant alive is a challenge for you, look for hardier plants like the snake plant, Chinese evergreen, devil’s ivy, peace lily, or succulent.

Illuminate your space.

The right lighting is important for any workspace and natural light is best. If you have a window in your office, use blinds or shades to control the natural light that you let in – but let it in. If you don’t have adequate windows you can place several lamps around the room.

Your home workspace is where you will spend a great deal of your time so you want to make it a space that is conducive to working. At Valley Drapery & Upholstery we can help you get the home office you will love. Call today to find out how we can help. Custom drapery los angeles is also our speciality.